Below you can find a list of published work along with a few papers that are currently working their way though the publication pipeline. The majority are from work in prior labs; progress on Patterson lab publications will begin September 1st, 2024! The most up-to-date list can be found on Google Scholar.

If you're interested in a specific topic, you can filter by research area, technique or animal model:

Adaptive Optics

Sara S. Patterson, Lu Yin, David R. Williams

In Press, Encyclopedia of the Eye, 2nd edition

Inner limiting membrane peel extends in vivo calcium imaging of retinal ganglion cell activity beyond the fovea in non-human primate

Hector Baez, Jennifer M. LaPorta, Amber D. Walker, William S. Fischer, Rachel Hollar, Sara S. Patterson, David A. DiLoreto, Vamsi Gullapalli, Juliette E. McGregor

2024, bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2024.06.02.597041

Cone-opponent ganglion cells in the primate fovea tuned to non-cardinal color directions

Tyler Godat, Kendall Kohout, Keith Parkins, Qiang Yang, William H. Merigan, David R. Williams, Sara S. Patterson

2024, Journal of Neuroscience, 44(18), e1738232024 [Press Release, Journal Preview]

Synaptic origins of the complex receptive field structure in primate smooth monostratified retinal ganglion cells

Sara S. Patterson, Rebecca J. Girresch, Marcus A. Mazzaferri, Andrea S. Bordt, Wendy L. Piñon-Teal, Brett D. Jesse, Dinukie-Chantal W. Perera, Melanie A. Schlepphorst, James A. Kuchenbecker, Alice Chuang, Jay Neitz, David W. Marshak, and Judith M. Ogilvie

2024, eNeuro, 11(1), ENEURO.0280-23.2023

A dual adaptive optics instrument for testing the role of retinal ganglion cells in vision

Doran Teverovsky, Peter Murphy, Keith Parkins, Larry Bernstein, Sara S. Patterson, William H. Merigan, Julie L. Bentley, David R. Williams

2023, Ophthalmic Technologies XXXIV, 12824, 1605-1271

In vivo chromatic and spatial tuning of foveolar retinal ganglion cells in Macaca fascicularis

Tyler Godat, Nicolas P. Cottaris, Sara Patterson, Kendall Kohout, Keith Parkins, Qiang Yang, Jennifer M. Strazzeri, Juliette E. McGregor, David H. Brainard, William H. Merigan, David R. Williams

2022, PLoS ONE, 17(11), e0278261

Synaptic inputs to displaced intrinsically-photosensitive retinal ganglion cells in macaque retina

Andrea S. Bordt, Sara S. Patterson, James A. Kuchenbecker, Marcus A. Mazzaferri, Joel N. Yearick, Judy M. Ogilvie, Jay Neitz, David W. Marshak

2022, Scientific Reports, 12, 15160

Conserved circuits for direction selectivity in the primate retina

Sara S. Patterson, Briyana N. Bembry, Marcus A. Mazzaferri, Andrea S. Bordt, Maureen Neitz, Fred Rieke, Robijanto Soetedjo, Jay Neitz

2022, Current Biology, 32(11), 2529-2538

Lighting devices, systems, methods for stimulating circadian rhythms

Jay Neitz, Maureen Neitz, James A. Kuchenbecker, Sara S. Patterson, Alexandra Neitz

2022, University of Washington, 17/612,061 [Patent Application]

S-cone circuits in the primate retina for non-image-forming vision

Sara S. Patterson, Maureen Neitz, Jay Neitz

2021, Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, 126, 66-70

Another Blue-ON ganglion cell in the primate retina

Sara S. Patterson, Marcus A. Mazzaferri, Andrea S. Bordt, Jolie Chang, Maureen Neitz, Jay Neitz

2020, Current Biology, 30(23), 1409-1410

Synaptic inputs to broad thorny ganglion cells in macaque retina

Andrea S. Bordt, Sara S. Patterson, Rebecca J. Girresch, Diego Perez, Luke Tseng, James R. Anderson, Marcus A. Mazzaferri, James A. Kuchenbecker, Rodrigo Gonzales-Rojas, Ashley Roland, Charis Tang, Christian Puller, Alice Z. Chuang, Judith Mosinger Ogilvie, Jay Neitz, David W. Marshak

2021, Journal of Comparative Neurology, 529(11), 3098-3111

A color vision circuit for non-image-forming vision in the primate retina.

Sara S. Patterson, Kuchenbecker, J.A., Anderson, J.R., Maureen Neitz, Jay Neitz

2020, Current Biology, 30(7), 1269-1274 [Press Release, Journal Preview]

The genetics of cone opsin based vision disorders

Maureen Neitz, Sara S. Patterson, Jay Neitz

2020, The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, 2nd edition, Vol. 1, 493-507

The effect of cone spectral topography on chromatic detection sensitivity

Alexandra Neitz, Xiaoyun Jiang, James A. Kuchenbecker, Niklas Domdei, Wolf Harmening, Hongyi Yan, Jihyun Yeonan-Kim, Sara S. Patterson, Maureen Neitz, Jay Neitz, Daniel R. Coates, and Ramkumar Sabesan

2020, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 37(4), A244-A254

Wide-field amacrine cell inputs to ON parasol ganglion cells in the primate retina

Sara S. Patterson*, Andrea S. Bordt*, Rebecca J. Girresch, Conor M. Linehan, Jacob Bauss, Eunice Yeo, Diego Perez, Luke Tseng, Sriram Navuluri, Nicole B. Harris, Chaiss Matthews, James R. Anderson, James A. Kuchenbecker, Michael B. Manookin, Judith M. Ogilvie, Jay Neitz, David W. Marshak

2019, Journal of Comparative Neurology, 528(9), 1588-1598

The spectral sensitivity of the neurons mediating black and white

Sara S. Patterson, Maureen Neitz, Jay Neitz

2019, bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/829051

An S-cone circuit for edge detection in the primate retina

Sara S. Patterson, James A. Kuchenbecker, James R. Anderson, Andrea S. Bordt, David W. Marshak, Jay Neitz

2019, Scientific Reports, 32, 123-145

Reconciling color vision models with midget ganglion cell receptive fields

Sara S. Patterson, Maureen Neitz, Jay Neitz

2019, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, 865

Photopigment genes, cones and color update: disrupting the splicing code causes a diverse array of vision disorders

Maureen Neitz, Sara S. Patterson, Jay Neitz

2019, Current Opinion in Behavioral Science, 30, 60-66

Strain variations in opsin peaks in situ during zebrafish development

Ralph F. Nelson, Annika Balraj, Tara Suresh, Megan Torvund, Sara S. Patterson

2019, Visual Neuroscience, 36, E010

Synaptic inputs and connectivity of a sparsely branched ganglion cell in rabbit retina

Andrea S. Bordt, Diego Perez, Luke Tseng, Weiley Sunny Liu, Jay Neitz, Sara S. Patterson, Edward V. Famiglietti, David W. Marshak

2018, Visual Neuroscience, 36, E004

Neural mechanisms mediating motion sensitivity in parasol ganglion cells of the primate retina.

Michael B. Manookin, Conor L. Linehan, Sara S. Patterson

2018, Neuron, 97(6), 1327-1340 [Journal Preview]
